We set the standard for due diligence, design and monitoring of nature based projects.
granular analysis of historical land use, carbon potential and non-permanence risk.
climate impact, potential leakage, permanence and additionality of environmental interventions.
working with project proponents to develop projects and provide carbon credit analysis to customers.
We directly monitor historic and near real-time soil carbon and land management activities at a granular level.
We quantify at the finest detail; carbon stock, carbon sequestration & GHG emissions along with their spatial and temporal distribution.
Through the assimilation of EO data, our process models are spatialised over large areas to provide robust and transparent outputs.
We aim to set the standard when it comes to the monitoring, reporting and verification of nature based solutions. Our team is uniquely positioned given its depth of academic research which covers the application of earth observation across all the main natural carbon sinks.